Shorewood, Village of: local levy limit exception re assessment error -
Commercial radio or television station personal property: property, sales, and use tax exemptions created under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report -
Commercial radio or television station personal property: property, sales, and use tax exemptions created under certain conditions; JSCTE appendix report -
Extended-range electric vehicles sales and use tax exemption; property tax exemption for charging station for electric vehicles; property, sales, and use tax exemptions for machinery and certain property used in qualified research in manufacturing, silviculture, or biotechnology; vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program (I/M program) sunsetted; DOT payments to WEDC to promote extended-range electric vehicles primarily in nonattainment areas, audited financial statement required; JSCTE appendix report -
Hiring persons not legally in the U.S.: companies are ineligible for income and franchise tax credits, property tax exemptions, public works contracts, and local governmental unit loans or grants for seven years -
Machinery and equipment used for qualified research in this state re manufacturing and biotechnology, including embryonic stem cell research: real and personal property tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report -
Machinery and equipment used for qualified research in this state re manufacturing and biotechnology: real and personal property tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report
Nonprofit youth baseball association property, building, and certain land: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -
Permits and licenses related to real property are excluded from the definition of ``real property" and treated as money and intangible personal property and exempt from property taxes -
Permits and licenses related to real property are excluded from the definition of ``real property" and treated as money and intangible personal property and exempt from property taxes -
Property tax credit for veterans and surviving spouses: definition of ``principal dwelling" revised -
Resale store owned by a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report
Resale store owned by a nonprofit organization: property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report
Student housing facilities: property tax exemption repealed re nonprofit organization on U.W. Madison campus [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1747n, 1748d, 9341 (4d), 9441 (4d); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: effective date changed]
Student housing facility owned by nonprofit organization and houses U.W. Madison students: property tax exemption does not apply to housing facilities owned by fraternities or sororities -
Student housing facility owned by nonprofit organization and houses U.W. Madison students: property tax exemption does not apply to housing facilities owned by fraternities or sororities -
Veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit: eligibility of unremarried surviving spouse expanded
Veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit: eligibility of unremarried surviving spouse expanded
Animal cruelty resulting in great bodily harm, disfigurement, or death made a felony; adequate food and water and abandonment provisions; court may order psychological assessment or counseling and bar a violator from owning an animal
Workforce survey required for renewal of a license as a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, psychologist, physical therapist, physician assistant, pharmacist, or clinical social worker -
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -
Child care scholarship and bonus program: transfer of TANF funds to federal Child Care and Development block grant funds permitted [Sec. 1376] -
Documentary evidence of citizenship or satisfactory immigration status required for public assistance programs administered by DCF and DHS -
Homestead tax credit reduced re federal housing subsidy -
Homestead tax credit reduced re federal housing subsidy -
Income maintenance administration unit: DHS to establish and administer programs in all counties; state supplemental payment program and the caretaker supplement program administration transferred to DCF; contract provision [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Health Services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment"]
Income maintenance administration unit: DHS to establish and administer programs in all counties; state supplemental payment program and the caretaker supplement program administration transferred to DCF; contract provision [for section numbers, see entry under ``Health Services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment"] -
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created
Lawful presence in state: if reasonable suspicion, law enforcement officer to have federal agency determine re person arrested or charged with a crime or civil action, secured custody and jail cost provisions; ordinance, resolution, or policy prohibiting a local governmental employee from inquiring if an individual receiving public services has a satisfactory immigration status or notifying the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens prohibited, writ of mandamus provision
Low-income assistance for weatherization and other energy conservation services funding [Sec. 326; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, federal assistance provisions added, 325d-t, 326m] -
Low-income assistance for weatherization and other energy conservation services funding [Sec. 326]
Public assistance and children and family services: chap.49 reorganized; JRCCP report -
TANF and child care allocations revised [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1388-1400; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, transitional jobs demonstration project provisions added, 1385c, 1393L, 9408 (3f); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1, further revisions] -
TANF and child care allocations revised [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1388-1400] -
TANF and federal social services block grant moneys: certain appropriations transferred from DHS to a new appropriation for DCF [Sec. 659, 662-664, 667, 673, 1324, 1329, 1330; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 659d, deletes 659]
TANF and federal social services block grant moneys: certain appropriations transferred from DHS to a new appropriation for DCF [Sec. 659, 662-664, 667, 673, 1324, 1329, 1330]
TANF funding increase to support EITC -
TANF funding increase to support EITC [Conf.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
JR1 AB11
TANF funding increase to support EITC -
JR1 AB13
TANF funding increase to support EITC -
JR1 SB11
TANF funding increase to support EITC -
JR1 SB12
Workforce survey required for renewal of a license as a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, psychologist, physical therapist, physician assistant, pharmacist, or clinical social worker -
Authorized state building program and building program bonding authorizations for 2011-13 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 44p, 47, 50g, h, 56g-q, 265g-j, 276m, 277, 289b, 554, 560, 561, 779-780, 785m, p, 795m-s, 797m, 798g-zb, 815g-i, 1003, 3567o, 9106 (1)-(9), 9401 (2i); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions, National Soldiers Home Historic District deleted, deletes 56q, 798zb, 9106 (8)] -
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA to contract with child care providers and may lease or provide space in state-owned or state-leased building; report required on providing for child care facility space in any construction or major remodeling project
Enclosed state facility, new proposal: Building Commission cannot approve until DOA does a consolidation study
Energy conservation standards and environmental design standards for state-owned or leased, local government, and school district buildings; LEED certification, graywater and rainwater systems, administrative rules, and report provisions; DOA, DSPS, and Building Commission duties
Energy efficiency study of state-owned buildings by DOA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (1u)] -
Going armed with concealed and dangerous weapon prohibition eliminated; prohibition on going armed or possessing a firearm in certain public places revised; requirement that a firearm or bow or crossbow be unloaded or unstrung and encased in a vehicle eliminated; possessing electric weapons permitted; disorderly conduct provision [for further revisions, see entry under ``Firearms and dangerous weapons"]
Public buildings and places of employment: ordinances establishing minimum standards for construction, repair, and maintenance must conform to Comm.Dept rules
State building and lease back study by DOA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (5q)] -
State building contracting and construction procedures revised
Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report
Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report
Assistant SPD pay progression plan established -
Assistant SPD pay progression plan established -
Battery or threats to cause harm to a court employee or threats to cause damage to a courthouse: felony penalty provisions; JRCCP report -
Public Defender Board: income and assets used in determining indigency [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3559d, h]
Publication of legal notices: typeface used and rates charged modified and electronic copy provision added
Publication of legal notices: typeface used and rates charged modified and electronic copy provision added
Assistant DAs: cease and desist actions requiring unpaid leaves of absences or reducing their FTE status for remainder of 2010-11 fiscal year -
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA contract authority eliminated [Sec. 39, 43, 264, 267, 727, 776-778, 9401 (1)] -
Child care facilities for state employees in the Madison area: DOA to contract with child care providers and may lease or provide space in state-owned or state-leased building; report required on providing for child care facility space in any construction or major remodeling project
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -
Collective bargaining over wages, hours, and conditions of employment under MERA and SELRA permitted; U.W. System and UWHCA employees and certain home care and child care providers provided collective bargaining rights; annual certification eliminated; agreement limited to two years; dues may be deducted from salaries -
Collective bargaining units under MERA: extensions allowed and are not a modification for purposes of 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 -
Compensation plan provisions modified re pay, benefits, and working conditions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2764bg-bt; deleted and recreated with revisions by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1] -
Custodial workers at the Capitol and executive office buildings: efforts to privatize the services opposed
Discharge of state employees permitted for unapproved, three day absence during state of emergency or participating in a strike or work stoppage or slowdown [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2766k; deleted by A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1] -
Discharge of state employees permitted for unapproved, three day absence during state of emergency or participating in a strike or work stoppage or slowdown
JR1 AB11
Discharge of state employees permitted for unapproved, three day absence during state of emergency or participating in a strike or work stoppage or slowdown
JR1 SB11
DNR FTE position increases and decreases [A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2755am, 3570g, 9135 (4u)] -
subjectindex/2011/public assistance
subjectindex/2011/public assistance